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Atlantic Mariculture

Atlantic Mariculture Dulse Pieces 40g

Atlantic Mariculture Dulse Pieces 40g

Regular price $13.15 CAD
Regular price Sale price $13.15 CAD
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To ensure the highest quality products, Atlantic Mariculture is certified organic by Pro-Cert under the Canada Organic Regime.

Compared to traditional farmed land plants, we have no control over the growing conditions of the wild marine plants that we harvest. However we do have choices about how, when, where and how much we harvest to maintain sustainability as well as how the plants are transported, dried, stored and packaged.

Organic certification ensures that all of our sea vegetables are sustainably harvested, allowing the seaweed beds to regenerate naturally, helping to maintain a delicate balance in the inter-tidal eco-system. Certified Organic means there are no additives to our all-natural products, providing a healthier product that is full of natural flavour and nutrients.

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